The stock market has been tumbling since announcements by HSBC and other banks that there is great concern about exposure to subprime mortgage defaults. Could this be the beginning of a potential giant mortgage securities fraud investigation? Maybe. Subprime mortgages are loans given to potential home buyers who are not…
Trustees have fiduciary duties to trusts. When stockbroker fraud has potentially been committed in a trust, what should the trustee do? Investigate. A trustee has the duty to investigate red flags of fraud or wrongdoing by stockbrokers and to pursue any legitimate claims for the trust’s benefit. Failure to investigate…
We thought huge, brazen insider trading cases went out with Gordon Gekko and Ivan Boesky in the eighties. Apparently not. The SEC charged 14 defendants with securities fraud in one of the boldest insider trading rings in recent years. A total of $15 million was misappropriated. UBS, Morgan Stanley and…
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